Mac pro firewire 800 not working
FireWire audio devices usually require additional third party driver software. Definitely check the driver for the interface. Download the most recent version from the website the brand of interface i. Hope this helps! By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered.
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Andy Schweig Andy Schweig 2. Hold the D key while booting from a powered off state with the AC adapter connected. See if it gives you an error code and edit your question with the results. I tried this several times and can't get anything to happen.
- Restoring a Failed Firewire Port.
- How To Connect Macbook Pro With Firewire | Tom's Guide Forum.
- SOLVED: FireWire Port not working! - MacBook Pro 15" Core 2 Duo Model A - iFixit.
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I unplugged everything except my keyboard and monitor, shut down, started power up and held the D key right away. All I see is the gray screen and eventually the system boots as usual. Is there some trick to this? Your hardware test software may be on Disk 2 of your OS X installation media. The built-in AppleJunk Optical Drive Expand your power, use those PCI ports! Thanks a lot!
I was already thinking about this a few days ago when I saw one of those cards on e-bay regarding having another bus which would manage only the hard drives - so that's the solution then, great!
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- Your Answer.
- General FireWire troubleshooting.
Thanks to Becky Waring and others for info on FireWire hubs with more than three ports. I am a firm believer in the use of powered hubs. For over three years they have helped me avoid problems of voltage variations in a wide mix of peripherals.

Can someone tell me if the Granite Digital's 6-port Hub power supply goes up to volts? I'm on my way to Iraq, and need a power supply.
My FireWire port does not seem to be operating. I thought it was the converter, so I bought a new one and it does the same thing. Do I have to change the whole motherboard or is there a less expensive fix? The computer works fine with everything else. Maybe I should keep it for non-FireWire work and get a new one. What is your advice? First, check your cables.
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Take your cables and cameras to another computer with a FireWire port to try out. The local Apple Store can help with this. If still no luck you can always pick up an internal FireWire card such as this one though you may need to update your cables for FireWire Both Firewire ports are dead -- "unable to list FireWire devices" Due to the proclivity of Firewire ports to burn out, I often use an isolator cable which does not pass the power through the FW cable, just data of course then your device must have another power source. Now, this is likely due to the fact that I use them to work on troubled computers.
Most users who only use the same drives on a day-to-day basis won't have any trouble. I am soooo over Firewire. Anyway, once or twice in the past, a dead FW port has been resuscitated with what was called a programmer's reset. I think on current Macs you do this by shutting down, then holding the power button down till the power light blinks rapidly, then you let go, and get a long tone like when you do a firmware update. Specifically it fixed the FW on my Cube, but of course it was years ago.
Lacking an external, you could boot to your pre-Lion system disk. Once you get past the language screen you will get a Utilities menu with Disk Utility; use that to see if your external is mounting. I have a new Mac Pro I've disconnected everything from the FireWire host to no avail! John Aitken asked why his Mac Pro won't recognize cameras connected via Firewire. You need software that will recognize a Firewire camera connection. Connect your camera and launch Image Capture.
If your camera is recognized, Image Capture will display thumbnails of the images in your camera's memory. I ran into a strange problem with a Mac Pro 5,1. It would not shut down. I tracked it down to a Firewire device, a video capture device I had plugged in by mistake. What "solutions" have I not tried? As I wrote very clearly in my reply, I've tried everything that was recommended, I'm not here to get into it with anyone.
MacInTouch Reader Reports
For owners of slightly older models, I find this "closed support" system frustrating and bizarrely short-sighted. So we have to cart our old junk down to the glitzy Apple store for a "consultation"? Whatever happened to the efficiency of the Internet? Oct 30, 1: I stumbled across this thread after searching for an answer for the same problem the OP had Unplugged the power cord, waited 15 seconds probably more like a minute , plugged it back in, waited another 10 seconds or so and pressed the power button.
Unfortunately the first time it just stayed on the grey screen, no Apple logo, etc. I watied for a bit, hit the power button to shut it off, waited another 10 seconds and pressed the power button again and after a short bit it started up normally. FW port is working again. I was preparing a new SSD to install in it.
I had it running in a NewerTech FW hot swap dock. I took out the SSD to show the wife how small and light it was, put it back in and nothing. I put it into another FW external drive case, still nothing. Swapped cables, etc. After resetting the SMC it was fine again.
2011 MacBook Pro: FireWire 800 not working...?
No idea if it had anything to do with the SSD, but just glad it's working again. Looking forward to installing the SSD now! Dec 27, 2: As usual apple discussion groups to the rescue, after having the same issue, here I come as usual, followed the reset directions for smc and I am back in business. I even called the company for my external and had them send me a new cable.
But the answer was here all along. Only did the SMC and I am back in business. While I was rumaging around unplugging, I also noticed that my Mac was filthy, on the bottom where the vents and blowers are, so cleaned that out, gross.. So thanks again for you years of helping me out of all things mac.
MacBook Pro: FireWire not working? | MacRumors Forums
Dec 27, 3: Resetting the SMC on Mac portables with a battery you can remove. Resetting the SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own. Communities Contact Support. Sign in. Browse Search. Ask a question.